A mountain valley, into the dessert, on top of a skyscraper; you can take the X-POLE X-STAGE anywhere, your imagination is the only limit.
Putting your stage up and taking it down is super quick and easy, leaving you more time to pole. The X-STAGE is supplied with bespoke carry cases for every element of your stage, making it simple to transport. For this pole, we generally recommend a user weight limit of 330lbs. You can increase the stability by adding weight plates. Always test your pole’s stability before each use.
- Minimum usage height of 10ft
- 9′ of usable pole
- Shorter extensions available for lower ceiling heights
- Use 1000mm extension to clear a 9ft ceiling
- Use 750mm extension to clear a 8ft ceiling
- Use 500mm extension to clear a 7ft ceiling
- 5ft podium diameter and 1ft podium height
- Available in Chrome, Stainless Steel, Brass, Silicone (45mm only Black & Pink) Powder Coat (Black, Pink & White) finishes and 40mm & 45mm diameters
- Spinning & static as standard
- The safest, most stable freestanding pole dance stage in the world
- Easy to install and user friendly
- Full instruction manuals/instructional videos available
- Bespoke wheeled carry cases come as standard
- Totally portable pole dance stage for complete freedom to pole anywhere
- Weight trays available to add extra weights to the stage base for even more stability
X-Stage Support page (manual, video)
** HAWAII, ALASKA, PUERTO RICO & APO/MILITARY ADDRESSES – Will require additional shipping charges. Customer service representative will contact you via email or phone for additional payment. Tambien hablamos español.